Product Reviews: Miyoko’s Revolutionary Liquid Pizza Mozzarella and Miyoko’s Farmhouse Cheddar

Product Reviews: Miyoko’s Revolutionary Liquid Pizza Mozzarella and Miyoko’s Farmhouse Cheddar

A two-fer product review today for a couple of new things from Miyoko’s, one of the standouts in the vegan “cheese” world. The first, Miyoko’s Roadhouse Cheddar in the Classic Sharp flavor, is smooth and spreadable, tasty and tangy, and perfectly satisfying on a cracker when you need a little before-dinner snack. (Very reminiscent of the little tub of cheese that my parents often had around at cocktail hour in the 70s.)

The second, Miyoko’s Revolutionary Liquid Pizza Mozzarella, is the latest entry in the quest to make a vegan cheese that acts like dairy when cooked. I think the audience for this will probably be limited to vegans for a minute, due its unusual liquid format, but it really does a decent job of melting together and even browning if you leave it in the oven long enough. It doesn’t have a ton of flavor on its own – on pizza it kind of just tastes like the basic frozen squares – but you can jazz it up with toppings and be halfway home to your favorite pie.

I even tried it this morning on toast with a Beyond Sausage patty and it was pretty good that way too.

Unlike some vegan cheeses, both of these are made from cashew milk and not just oil, so they do have some nutritional value, which is nice. Boy do we here at Booksmart appreciate the continuing effort to develop these innovative vegan cheeses. Keep ‘em coming!

Note: I did not receive any form of compensation in exchange for this review.

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