Product Review: Schwartz Brothers Bakery Organic Everything Bagel Chips

Product Review: Schwartz Brothers Bakery Organic Everything Bagel Chips

Right now you are reading this, and you are thinking about what you are going to do next. And I am concerned the thing you are thinking about is something other than going to Costco and getting these bagel chips immediately, and that would be the wrong decision. I cannot emphasize enough how good these are: crispy, exceptionally flavorful, oily, salty, outrageous, crazy-making, and completely, utterly vegan. They do leave you with the teeniest bit of garlic breath, but, hey, we’re all still wearing masks, right? I challenge you to eat less than half the container on your trip home. Let me know.

Note: I did not receive any form of compensation in exchange for mentioning any products or links in this post.

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