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Category: Product Reviews

Product Review: Follow Your Heart Bleu Cheese Dairy-Free Crumbles

Product Review: Follow Your Heart Bleu Cheese Dairy-Free Crumbles

OMG, you guys you guys you guys. Did you like bleu cheese before you went vegan? Are you resisting becoming vegan because you can’t find bleu cheese? If you have been hoping in vein (see what I did there?) for a vegan bleu cheese option, your prayers have been answered by these crumbles from Follow Your Heart, the guys who brought you the original Vegenaise. These crumbles are closer to the taste and texture of dairy cheese than any vegan…

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Product Review: Kite Hill Queso

Product Review: Kite Hill Queso

Many of us who grew up in the Northwest D.C. area in the 80s agree that the chili con queso dip at the Tucson Cantina was a formative experience. Although the Cantina has long since passed into the annals of history, the quest to replace that dip has never waned. And now it is over. I have found it. AND. IT’S. VEGAN. This almond-based dip from Kite Hill is solid in the container, but when heated develops an absolutely perfect…

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Product Reviews: Miyoko’s Revolutionary Liquid Pizza Mozzarella and Miyoko’s Farmhouse Cheddar

Product Reviews: Miyoko’s Revolutionary Liquid Pizza Mozzarella and Miyoko’s Farmhouse Cheddar

A two-fer product review today for a couple of new things from Miyoko’s, one of the standouts in the vegan “cheese” world. The first, Miyoko’s Roadhouse Cheddar in the Classic Sharp flavor, is smooth and spreadable, tasty and tangy, and perfectly satisfying on a cracker when you need a little before-dinner snack. (Very reminiscent of the little tub of cheese that my parents often had around at cocktail hour in the 70s.) The second, Miyoko’s Revolutionary Liquid Pizza Mozzarella, is…

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Product Review: Bitchin’ Sauce (Chipotle Flavor)

Product Review: Bitchin’ Sauce (Chipotle Flavor)

You are welcome. Why? Because I have just changed your life by telling you about Bitchin’ Sauce. This creamy, almond-based saucy thing has a perfect texture and just the right amount of heat to spice up any thing you want to put it on. I now make burritos just to have something to slather it on. You can mix it with salsa to make a yummy dip or stir it into a corn chowder to really make it sing. If…

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Product Review: Schwartz Brothers Bakery Organic Everything Bagel Chips

Product Review: Schwartz Brothers Bakery Organic Everything Bagel Chips

Right now you are reading this, and you are thinking about what you are going to do next. And I am concerned the thing you are thinking about is something other than going to Costco and getting these bagel chips immediately, and that would be the wrong decision. I cannot emphasize enough how good these are: crispy, exceptionally flavorful, oily, salty, outrageous, crazy-making, and completely, utterly vegan. They do leave you with the teeniest bit of garlic breath, but, hey,…

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