Beginner tools tip: Chopping

Beginner tools tip: Chopping

I often hear people say that they resist making vegan or vegetarian meals because of the amount of chopping. But hear me out: chopping itself is not the problem. You are. 🤣 Okay, kidding. But, really, how you are doing it is. If you want to eat more plant-based meals, the single best thing you can do is invest in a good knife and a large cutting board. I have actually witnessed a person trying to cut up a red pepper on a salad plate with a dinner knife, and really, no one would ever want to do that twice. If you have a sharp knife that feels good in your hand, and plenty of space, the chopping will go easily and quickly and you might actually find it satisfying. Put on some of your favorite tunes while you slice and it is downright enjoyable. There are decent knives and cutting boards available at all price points. You only need one of each, and if you maintain them even a little (i.e., keep your knife sharp, and your wooden cutting board oiled) they will last close to forever. I personally swear by my Wüsthof chef’s knife and Boos Block cutting boards in small and large. Please feel free to share in the comments if you have a knife or a cutting board you would particularly recommend!

Note: I did not receive any form of compensation as a result of mentioning products or links in this post.

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