

Hello!  Thanks for visiting Booksmart Vegan.  You clicked on “about,” so here’s a little about why I started this blog! I love a cookbook. A cookbook is the first thing I get when I want to treat myself. The cooking section is the first place I head in any bookstore.  A perfect day is a cup of tea, cracking the cover of a new cookbook, and excitedly marking the pages of the recipes I want to try.  Oh yeah, I also use them to cook, and I’m not ashamed to say it! I know the cool cooks are always able to throw together a masterpiece from what’s in the fridge, but that’s rarely me. I like instructions, and I’m a rule follower.  Also, I very very often like to have the same thing twice.  

Why vegan cookbooks? I was a vegetarian for much of my life before becoming vegan. Over the years, friends have often asked me for cookbook recommendations and tips on the preparation of meatless meals. Since, luckily  for all of us, the number and quality of vegan cookbooks out there just keeps improving, I decided to start this blog to help you choose! (And to give me an excuse to acquire more cookbooks.)  I aim to provide an overview of each book, in addition to reviews of selected recipes. I will throw in other tidbits like product recommendations, cooking tips, etc. as well. Happy cookbooking! 


P.S. This couldn’t happen without the help of my staff: Ethel, Lucy, and Stink.