Product Review: Kite Hill Queso

Product Review: Kite Hill Queso

Many of us who grew up in the Northwest D.C. area in the 80s agree that the chili con queso dip at the Tucson Cantina was a formative experience. Although the Cantina has long since passed into the annals of history, the quest to replace that dip has never waned. And now it is over. I have found it. AND. IT’S. VEGAN. This almond-based dip from Kite Hill is solid in the container, but when heated develops an absolutely perfect texture. It clings to the chip just so — not too pasty or too runny. The spices are spot-on: savory and zingy – not too spicy or bland. I have had this for dinner with chips and salsa more than once since I discovered it, and I don’t even feel guilty. It’s that good.

Note: I did not receive any form of compensation in exchange for this review.

One thought on “Product Review: Kite Hill Queso

  1. Oh my gosh…I will try it this week! The chili con queso at the restaurant you mentioned was delicious/the best, so if this tastes like that did…just…wow!

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